Surviving an Injury 101

I spent 7 weeks injured this winter, I’ve also had a lot of friends who’ve dealt with injury this year, including one of my best running friends.  I’ve been reflecting a lot on injury, and how best to survive (mentally and physically) during the injury, and how to return from injury.  I wanted to post about some of my lessons and thoughts. Continue reading “Surviving an Injury 101”

Boston Marathon – The Race! – Part 2

So everyone else is all like, here’s my race report from last weekend, and here I am, crap, I still haven’t finished my Boston race report!?!! It’s been half written for weeks, so here goes! I’m not going to do my typical race report with splits, and details like that.  I had no real pace/time goals, so the splits don’t matter.

Continue reading “Boston Marathon – The Race! – Part 2”