Rest IS Training

Sometimes I think we get too focused on GO GO GO, PUSH PUSH PUSH, and forget that we need to step back and let our bodies absorb and recover.  In the endurance world there are a lot of different personalities, but many of us are highly motivated, ‘Type A’, type personalities that feel better when we are going, who enjoy pushing ourselves, and don’t just sit and be still very often.  I definitely fall into this camp.

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Training Update, March 2016

I looked at my training calendar last week to try to pencil in peak and cutback weeks leading up to the Calgary Marathon in May, and was surprised to realize that May is coming fast!  In my calculation we have 8 weeks left, which leaves only 5 real training weeks before taper!  I decided that this would be a good time to do a quick training update/summary of the last month. Continue reading “Training Update, March 2016”