Windermere Marathon Race Report aka Running on the Surface of the Sun…

As I posted in my last post, going into the race the forecast was HOT.  We knew this going in, and perhaps should have adjusted our goals, but both Lori and I were really hoping that she could still BQ, and really had no idea how the heat would affect either of us.   Continue reading “Windermere Marathon Race Report aka Running on the Surface of the Sun…”

Windermere Marathon Goals

Well, well, well, where to start. The last week has been a whirlwind, mostly involving checking the forecast.  It all began about 3 weeks ago, when I started looking at the long range forecast, because, that’s what you do when you’re tapering, #amiright? Well at first I saw some higher temps, but brushed them off thinking, meh, it’ll change, what do those weather guys know anyway?? Continue reading “Windermere Marathon Goals”