Lost Soul Training Summary

It’s hard to believe that it’s been a month since Lost Soul already!  I’ve been taking it pretty easy on the running front, and am feeling pretty well recovered.  I’ve wanted to do a post summarizing my training, partly for myself, but also because I’ve had a few people message me asking me questions.  I thought it would be beneficial to write it all out. Continue reading “Lost Soul Training Summary”

Daughters of Distance Review and Giveaway!

Before kids, I was an avid reader, I would frequently plow through a book in a weekend.  I still love to read, but these days it’s hard to find enough time to myself to get very far in a book.  I often pick up a book and will read a few pages, get interrupted, go back to the book days later, and have to start over again.  I discovered Audible a few years ago.  It’s an audio-book subscription service by Amazon.  Since then I’ve been back to plowing through books again, but now I “read” while I run, while I drive or while I work.  Continue reading “Daughters of Distance Review and Giveaway!”

The Underwear Affair Winners, and Race Report!!

First of all I want to thank EVERYONE who donated!!  I raised over $600 (and our team over $3000!!!), and really appreciate every donation!  Next I will announce the winners of the prizes.  I’m going to let the winners pick their prizes in the order they were drawn, so here are the winners, if you’re on the list, I’ll email you once the people above you have picked and let you know what’s left… Continue reading “The Underwear Affair Winners, and Race Report!!”

Freezer Meal Swap Night! AND a Giveaway :)

In the past I’ve done all my freezer meal creation on my own, but a couple friends and I have been talking for a while about getting together to do a meal swap.  Lindsay had her second baby last year and is due to head back to work in a week, so she was eager to get some meals in the freezer to get ready for the busyness of working full time and having two kiddo’s at home.  Laura is just a couple weeks from her due date with her second baby and is equally eager to get some meals in the freezer in anticipation of the craziness of having a newborn at home (plus her VERY active almost 2 year old).  We decided to each bring the ingredients for 4 meals (x 3 batches), which would be 36 meals in total (12 each to bring home).  Not only would we go home with 12 meals, but we’d get to try out some new recipes – WIN-WIN! Continue reading “Freezer Meal Swap Night! AND a Giveaway :)”

Donate to the Underwear Affair AND enter a Giveaway!!

I’ve eluded to this contest in a few past posts, but I think with June approaching quickly, I’d like to officially start it!  As I’ve posted about a million times, my major running goal this spring is the Calgary Marathon… Well I’m also doing a 10 km “race” 6 days after the marathon.  I know that sounds crazy, and I can assure you that there won’t be any PR’s or PB’s coming out of this race, but it’s a good cause, and one I try to do every year, so once again I’m running it this year.  It is the Calgary Underwear Affair!  Continue reading “Donate to the Underwear Affair AND enter a Giveaway!!”

Warm weather, Marathon training is on AND I’ve got a cold!!

How is it even possible that FINALLY it’s warmed up, plus this is Week 1 of our 12 week marathon training cycle, and I’ve caught a cold from my daughter!?!  I guess it’s lucky that it is week 1, that I still have 11 weeks after this week, and that my body is really rested at this point, so any running that I am doing isn’t super taxing on my legs, but still it seems like there is a tiny little bit of injustice here.   Continue reading “Warm weather, Marathon training is on AND I’ve got a cold!!”

Blog-a-versary, a favorite thing, and a long run

I had a notification from WordPress when I logged in tonight that it was one year ago yesterday that I started this blog!  Hard to believe, and almost equally hard to believe that I’ve stayed reasonably consistent posting for a whole year!  It’s been quite a year, starting with my running just coming around post baby Olivia.  The first posts accounted a lot of mine and Lori’s first run’s postpartum.  It’s interesting that a year ago I was debating running 5 vs 6 days a week!  I’ve been running 6 days a week for the last few weeks to try to bump my mileage up again. Continue reading “Blog-a-versary, a favorite thing, and a long run”

My Favorite Things, and a chance to share them!

So every year I do one race that involves raising money.  This is something that always feels a bit awkward, I don’t like pestering people for their hard earned money.  But I still do it, every year.  Why?  Because it’s a GREAT cause, and it is absolutely worth my feeling a bit uncomfortable while supporting it.  Plus, it’s such a FUN race, that I love doing it!!  It is called The Underwear Affair, and it raises money for finding a cure for cancer’s below the waist.  Everyone dresses up in some of the best costumes ever (their underwear) and they go walk or run 5 or 10 km’s.  If you are local to Calgary, you really should check out this race! Continue reading “My Favorite Things, and a chance to share them!”