A review of 2013 in numbers (and pictures)…

I can’t help it, I’ve got a form of OCD that requires me keep track of numbers.  I allow myself to go crazy with the numbers in my running, and it helps me to let go in other areas of my life.  Here are some numbers (with some of my favorite pictures from the year) to summarize 2013. Continue reading “A review of 2013 in numbers (and pictures)…”

Out with the old!

Christmas usually involves a lot of new things coming into our homes. While it’s great to get some new items, it can get out of control and it’s easy for things to get cluttered. A friend of mine recently blogged about her efforts to clean and purge. Her blog 4 is More is awesome, and you should all check it out. Her latest post on decluttering inspired me to tackle just one area of my house today. My linen closet. Continue reading “Out with the old!”

The BEST Christmas cookie! At least it’s my family’s favorite…

I finally had some time to do some baking for Christmas today.  I don’t do a lot of baking, mostly because I don’t want to weigh 300 lb’s, and I don’t run nearly enough to support all the yummy things I would love to bake.  It’s Christmas though, and we all need to indulge Continue reading “The BEST Christmas cookie! At least it’s my family’s favorite…”

It’s all relative…

Lori and I were reflecting on how far we’ve come in our running yesterday during our long run.  This last week, since I’m only 2 weeks post marathon, I *only* ran 4 days and 38 km’s.  My goal was to run 30 ish km’s this week, but it actually seemed a bit of a challenge (that I apparently failed) to run that little.  Marathon training has skewed my perspective a bit.  It wasn’t that long ago that I thought a 30 km (20 mile) week was great, and was what I basically maintained most of the time.  I was running 1-2 half marathon’s a year at that point, Continue reading “It’s all relative…”

Winter is here, with a vengeance!!

Winter has stuck this week, all over Canada and even in a lot of places that don’t often experience it throughout the US. What does this mean for your running? For me, it doesn’t change much. Sometimes for simplicities sake I will hop on the treadmill for a short run, and if I have speed work scheduled, I’ll take it indoors, but especially for long runs I’ll brave just about any weather. Continue reading “Winter is here, with a vengeance!!”

Seattle marathon race report – Fake it till you make it…

It’s hard to know where exactly to start this recap, as this race has been a long time in the making, and something I’ve been looking forward to all year, and in a way, for years.  I’ll start last Wednesday though.  Tim and I flew out to Seattle Wednesday night (my birthday).  We got to the hotel, checked in, and then went out for a quick drink.  Thursday was American Thanksgiving,

Continue reading “Seattle marathon race report – Fake it till you make it…”