Daughters of Distance Review and Giveaway!

Before kids, I was an avid reader, I would frequently plow through a book in a weekend.  I still love to read, but these days it’s hard to find enough time to myself to get very far in a book.  I often pick up a book and will read a few pages, get interrupted, go back to the book days later, and have to start over again.  I discovered Audible a few years ago.  It’s an audio-book subscription service by Amazon.  Since then I’ve been back to plowing through books again, but now I “read” while I run, while I drive or while I work.  Continue reading “Daughters of Distance Review and Giveaway!”

Lost Soul 100k 2016

I hope you like Ultra’s, Ultramarathons, and Ultra-Race Reports.  I have a feeling that this one is going to be lengthy.  I had registered for this race many months ago, back in January.  It seemed at the time to be an eternity away.  I was focused on training for the Calgary Marathon, and it was easy to mostly ignore the looming goal that I had set for the fall.  Continue reading “Lost Soul 100k 2016”