Crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s…

Way back in the spring, just a few weeks after the Calgary Marathon, on a random early morning trail run, I suddenly had a bout of dizziness that had me nearly falling down into the bushes.  This bout of dizziness would become almost 6 weeks of vertigo.  This wasn’t my first experience with vertigo, I’d had it a few times in the past, it’s caused by calcium crystals dislodging in the ear drum and floating around, causing havoc with the little hairs and balance in the ear drum.  Clearly I’m no doctor, and this is a very simple, amateur explanation.   Continue reading “Crossing the t’s and dotting the i’s…”

Meatless Monday

For the past month or so, I’ve been trying to cook meatless on Monday nights. I’ve done 3 Mondays so far (one Monday was Canada day, and we grilled that day). Doing this experiment is actually very un-Terry. I am very much anti diet, anti any food fad. I especially am wary of any diet that excludes entire groups of foods. I am in no way judging anyone or their choices. I do know that there are many people who have allergies or intolerances that require them to eat in a certain way. So no haters please 🙂

Anyway, why the meatless Mondays? A couple reasons:
1. I thought it would expand our horizons, get us trying new recipes and good that we wouldn’t otherwise try.
2. I think it’s good for the planet. You c an read here but basically cattle farming contributes to global warming, deforestation, etc.
3. It gets us eating more vegis. I’m specifically aiming to NOT make this into ‘carb’ Mondays, filling the meat corner of our plates with pasta, cheese, etc.

What have I learned so far? My kids are very open to eating most things. Neither of the girls have missed the meat. My husband on the other hand, while he is willing to eat anything, does not complain, or anything like that, he misses the meat. There are a few reasons, some being habit and what he’s used to, he also has a bit of a different ‘diet’ philosophy than I do.

I’ve enjoyed it, and will keep making some vegi dishes. I also am thinking of just using half the meat a few times a week. This way we will still get the flavors we’re used to and we will also cut our use and consumption of meat by about the same amount in a week.

What recipes have I made? Here are the three:

1. Black bean and sweet potato tacos. I loved this! I love Mexican flavors and beans though. Hubby doesn’t really like beans so that makes a lot of vegi dishes hard.
2. Vegi lasagna – this was an invented recipe, using a lentil ‘meat’ sauce and eggplant as a sub for noodles. I really liked the eggplant twist and would use eggplant as a noodle sub again. I liked the lentil sauce but hubby didn’t.
3. Meatless Hamburger soup – this was my regular basic hamburger and barley soup recipe with Yves veggie ground round as a sub for the meat. I honestly couldn’t even tell that there wasn’t meat. My hubby said he did miss the meat but really liked the flavor of the soup.

Anyone else out there do vegi either part or full time? How does the rest of your house like it? Any recipes that are non-veg friendly to share?