Canadian Death Race 2019

This past weekend Lori and I ran The Canadian Death Race in Grande Cache, AB.  CDR was our big race of 2019, and something that I was very anxious about completing. It’s a 125 km (77.7 mi) 5181 m (17000′) Ultra in the Canadian Rockies. It’s known to be one of the more difficult ultras in Alberta (or even Canada?).  When I registered way back in December, I wanted something difficult, something that I could fail at.  As the race got closer, I was questioning my winter sanity, failing sounded painful, and success equally so.

Canadian Death Race Elevation Continue reading “Canadian Death Race 2019”

Boston Marathon Week Part 1

I’ve been back for a week, and still have not written my recap… life has been crazy busy, but I need to get this done before my memory fades!  Luckily I took about 1,000,537 photos, so that should help.  I’m planning to break this into two posts, one as a summary/recap of all the not-the-marathon stuff that we did, and a marathon recap.  First up, the not-the-marathon! Continue reading “Boston Marathon Week Part 1”

Hey 2016, I think you were pretty great!

I think there are a lot of people who are happily giving 2016 a big ole shove out the door this weekend.  While I am saddened by all the celebrity deaths, especially Carrie Fisher this week, personally, I had a really good year, and want to celebrate it.  So here goes, I’ve got 12 13 photo’s for you, with 12 13 highlights through the year.

Continue reading “Hey 2016, I think you were pretty great!”

How to choose a Running Partner… My Version

I know that I talk about my Running Partner, Lori, here quite a bit.  That’s because she and my running are completely and utterly intertwined.  Most weeks we run at least two of our runs together, plus we try to hit the gym for some strength training as often as we can.  I was browsing the RunnersWorld webpage today and came across THIS article on finding the right running partner, and I thought I’d give you my version. Continue reading “How to choose a Running Partner… My Version”